Established by the head designer KATYAYNI GHAGRE, who decided to follow her passion above everything else.

Passion is something that fuels our energy and opens us to many different possibilities in our path, passion doesn’t limit you to one place or it is not fixated in one single category, it can be in any form, no matter what you choose. I firmly believe, that whatever path you choose to be in, whoever you choose to be, if it makes you happy, it is your thing, then you do you. These are our principles. The ones that we wish to spread in the world.

And on this, we thought what if we combine the passion and the principles, therefore we established a brand in 2021, and just like the principles, the tagline, REVEAL YOURSELF is the pillar on which this brand stands on, in simple definition, REVEAL YOURSELF says, it is gender neutral, it is age neutral, it is not according to any, body or race standards, it is a brand which made for the real you, whatever or whoever it is. It is for everyone who wishes to be anything they want to be. We also want to build a brand that stands for not just for everyone, but everything. We wanted to be able to play a small part in building a sustainable environment therefore the base and roots of this brand is 100% natural and sustainable.




Sustianable,minimalistic,niche are the values we strive for


Katyayni -creative designer


There is always a first time for everything


Kundan 1


Believe in your vision and you are halfway there. 

               --------KUNDAN KUMAR

Designer Intern-Niharika

Designer Intern

Be yourself, that is your one true strength

----Niharika Singh

katyayni studio
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